By Daniel Galvin PR
Posted in News & PressPress | Tags : Anna Short, daniel galvin, DG, Nick Peters, Suzanne Baum, The Sun Newspaper
Suzanne Baum – Before & After

The Sun 4th July 2020. What lengths will people go to now we are legally allowed to have our hair cut? Suzanne Baum opts for the cream of the crop as the first journalist in at the salon!
“My lockdown locks have come to a sharp end. 140 days, 19 WEEKS, almost FIVE MONTHS and they are finally face-to-face with a pair of hairdressing scissors in the hands of the expert who is about to cut to the chase in giving me the most memorable haircut of my life.”
This may sound a tad dramatic but as someone who is used to having a monthly cut and colour, and a weekly blow-dry, my hair is in fact my crowning glory.
Yes, it involved a very, very early start – but I literally couldn’t wait to get my hands on the salon door (which incidentally had been wiped so clean it shone) and my hair into the wonderfully talented (and gloved) fingers of artistic director Nick Peters and director of colour Anna Short.
By Suzanne Baum
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